
NuBlend Installation/Troubleshooting

Drum Size

The minimum water flow is 7 gallons per minute. Fill a 5 gallon bucket in 40 seconds or less. If water flow is less, do not install the high flow dispenser.


  • Purchase a new or reconditioned plastic drum, or locate and clean a drum in your facility that has contained a water-based cleaner. Place it near a water source with a standard garden hose.
  • After filling the drum with Components and water, prepare to install the dispenser.
  • The high flow drum mount dispenser has two convenient features: it can be screwed directly into the standard 2-inch bung on any drum, and the dilution tip is fitted underneath the dispenser in the drum during use to prevent tampering. Please note that most plastic drums have one bung with wide threads, and one bung with narrow threads, and the high flow dispenser fits only the narrow threads.
  • Select the preferred tip from the list below, and screw it tightly into the threaded opening on the bottom of the dispenser. Slip the hose onto the hose barb, and clamp in place with a radiator clamp.
  • Screw the fixture into the narrow threaded opening securely, and connect the garden hose.
  • Turn the hose on with the valve closed to check that it is watertight. Now you are ready to fill your buckets and scrubbers!


Bulk Size

The minimum water flow is 7 gallons per minute. Fill a 5 gallon bucket in 40 seconds or less. If water flow is less, do not install the high flow dispenser.


  • Purchase a 200-gallon bulk tank that has contained a water-based cleaner. Place it near a water source with a standard garden hose.
  • After filling the drum with Components and water, prepare to install the dispenser.
  • The high flow drum mount dispenser has two convenient features: it can be screwed directly into the standard 2-inch bung on any drum, and the dilution tip is fitted underneath the dispenser in the drum during use to prevent tampering. Please note that most plastic drums have one bung with wide threads, and one bung with narrow threads, and the high flow dispenser fits only the narrow threads. Select the preferred tip from the list below, and screw it tightly into the threaded opening on the bottom of the dispenser. Slip the hose onto the hose barb, and clamp in place with a radiator clamp.
  • Screw the fixture into the narrow threaded opening securely, and connect the garden hose. Turn the hose on with the valve closed to check that it is watertight. Now you are ready to fill your buckets and scrubbers!